HomeRaspberry Pi - RC Cloud

Why Raspberry Pi?

It is a capable little device that enables people of all ages to explore computing, and to learn how to program in languages like Scratch and Python. It’s capable of doing everything you’d expect a desktop computer to do, from browsing the internet and playing high-definition video, to making spreadsheets, word-processing, and playing games.

What’s more, the Raspberry Pi has the ability to interact with the outside world, and has been used in a wide array of digital maker projects, from music machines and parent detectors to weather stations and tweeting birdhouses with infra-red cameras.

Main advantages of Raspberry Pi


Although Raspberry Pi is as small as the size of a credit card, it works as if a normal computer at a relatively low price.

Great for education

Raspberry Pi uses softwares which are either free or open source. So your learning atmosphere expands. provides direct accessible processor pins as GPIOs. So prototyping your vision project or learning computer science from scratch in such a device is better.

Huge community support

The Pi has phenomenal community support. Support can be obtained quite easily for the hardware and/or GNU/Linux software that runs on the Pi mainly in user forums, depending on the GNU/Linux distribution used.

Multiple uses

Having the storage on an SD card makes it easy to swap with other SD cards running other GNU/Linux distributions to quickly and easily change the functionality of the Pi. If you want to set up the Pi to run as a server to test it out, then later try something else, just swap the SD card and you’re done.
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