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We do a lot of things in different industry categories. We try to describe some of our solutions to give You better chance to know what we do.

The OroCRM system, thanks to our cyclication module, downloads both invoices and payments from the Symfonia system. The design of the module allows it to be easily expanded with subsequent system entities. Currently, the module requires that on the side of the database system symfonia a preliminary view for data collection – an implementation of...

We implement the Polish invoicing module in the OroCRM system. The whole was prepared for a typical Polish settlement model. The module has the ability to manage the flow of documents, above all: issuing invoices, exposing proforma and linking them to the flow front. Of course, there is the possibility of correction of any element...

Based on the OroCRM system which is a comprehensive solution for employment agencies. The solution equipped with such modules as: • Invoices, • Employees, • Delegations, • Reports and settlements (including delegations), • Hotels / accommodation, • Rates, • Currency (more than one service), • Contractors, • Inversions, • Potential customers, • Marketing campaigns, •...

A solution consisting in delivering a chat in the OroCRM system environment. Chat (after basic functionalities) allows you to make calls straight from the system level during everyday work. The available options include, among others, a conversation with an intimate person and a group. The conversations themselves are remembered, and the chat loads from the...

A set consisting of a LED counter (one line) and control software. The screen itself counts down the time from individual production cycles, the counter switches to pre-set programs / sequences depending on the connected switch. Types of switches are: – Magnetic switch – when two magnetic elements close (for example when closing the door),...

This solution allows for the symbiosis of two independent technologies. The integration itself extends the capabilities of SuiteCRM with such functionalities as: “Click to dial” – there is a call option at the telephone numbers which allows you to dial the number by one click, it will be dialed from any internal telephone, Permissions –...

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62-800 Kalisz
+48 62 590 33 62
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REGON: 301 371 858